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Matsch Mit Sahne

Matsch Mit Sahne


Matsch Mit Sahne: A Comprehensive Guide to the Classic Pastry


Matsch Mit Sahne, a delectable Austrian dessert, captivates taste buds with its irresistible combination of crisp pastry, creamy custard, and luscious whipped cream. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the history, preparation, and tantalizing flavors of this beloved treat.

Origins and History

Matsch Mit Sahne traces its roots to the 19th century Viennese pastry shops. It is believed to have evolved from a similar pastry called "Apfelstrudel", which featured apples wrapped in a flaky pastry dough. Over time, the apples were replaced with a smooth, creamy custard, giving birth to the Matsch Mit Sahne we know today.

Ingredients and Preparation

The essence of Matsch Mit Sahne lies in the carefully selected ingredients and meticulous preparation process. The dough, made from a blend of flour, butter, and egg yolks, is rolled out into thin sheets. The custard, a velvety mixture of milk, sugar, eggs, and vanilla, is poured over the dough and baked until it sets. Finally, a generous layer of whipped cream crowns the pastry, completing its indulgent allure.


The dough forms the foundation of Matsch Mit Sahne, providing a crisp, buttery base for the custard and whipped cream. It consists of high-quality flour, cold butter, and a touch of egg yolk for added richness. The dough is chilled before rolling to prevent shrinkage during baking, ensuring a flaky and tender texture.


The custard is the heart of Matsch Mit Sahne, providing a creamy, velvety layer that contrasts perfectly with the crispy dough. Made with fresh milk, sugar, eggs, and vanilla, the custard is cooked over low heat and stirred constantly to prevent curdling. Once thickened, it is poured over the dough and baked until set.

Whipped Cream

The whipped cream adds a touch of lightness and indulgence to Matsch Mit Sahne. It is made by whipping cold heavy cream until it forms stiff peaks. The whipped cream is then piped or spread on top of the cooled pastry, providing a fluffy, airy complement to the dense custard and crispy dough.

Variations and Presentation

Matsch Mit Sahne допускает различные вариации, которые могут удовлетворить разнообразные вкусовые предпочтения. Some common variations include adding fruit, nuts, or spices to the custard. The pastry can also be made with different types of dough, such as puff pastry or phyllo dough.


Matsch Mit Sahne is typically served warm or at room temperature. It can be cut into squares or triangles and drizzled with a fruit sauce or sprinkled with powdered sugar. Often, it is accompanied by a cup of coffee or tea, making it a perfect treat for breakfast, brunch, or afternoon tea.


Matsch Mit Sahne stands as a testament to the artistry and culinary prowess of Austrian pastry chefs. Its combination of textures, flavors, and presentation captivates the senses and leaves a lasting impression on the palate. Whether enjoyed as a decadent dessert or a comforting snack, Matsch Mit Sahne continues to delight and enchant pastry lovers around the world.

